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Your purchase will help people with sight loss live the life they choose. 100% of profits go to Guide Dogs.
100% of profits go to Guide Dogs.

Guide Dogs' Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement sets out the actions that Guide Dogs is taking to ensure the organisation complies with the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 during 2025.

Guide Dogs is a registered charity in England, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man. The organisation provides mobility and freedom to blind and partially sighted people, and campaigns for the rights of people with visual impairment.

Our suppliers must sign up to our terms and conditions, which requires, amongst other non-negotiable factors, that:

  • They must encourage freely chosen employment; forced, bonded, or indentured labour is prohibited.
  • They must not engage in child labour; no person shall be employed younger than the minimum age permitted by the laws of the country where the person is employed.
  • They must not interfere with a child’s education or violate compulsory education law.

We have the following in place to ensure compliance:

  • Due diligence checks on suppliers via our procurement policy.
  • Prompt action where breaches of T&Cs occur.
  • A process for assessing risk in its supply chain.
  • A tendering process designed to exclude new suppliers who might contravene the Act.
  • An audit questionnaire for all appropriate suppliers contracting with Guide Dogs.

Our people will abide by our commitments in this area and we actively encourage our people to raise concerns. To this end:

  • We set out clear Ethical Statements, published on our website.
  • We pay at least the national living wage to all employees.
  • We comply with Working Time Regulations (1998).
  • We carry out full identity checks on all new staff to ensure right to work in the UK.
  • We have a robust safeguarding structure in place and referral process.
  • We operate a full Whistleblowing procedure.
  • We have a Volunteering Agreement and Policy.

The Executive Directors are responsible for ensuring that Guide Dogs complies with the Act. In doing this it is supported by in-house legal, human resources and procurement expertise.

Signed by: